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National consultancy – Training of South Darfur MOH staff
International Medical Corps

International Medical Corps is a global, nonprofit, humanitarian aid organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering by providing emergency medical services, as well as healthcare training and development programs, to those affected by disaster, disease or conflict


 Section/Unit: Programs
 Grade Level: Consultant
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: Nyala, South Darfur
 Duration: One month
 Closing Date: 05 Oct 2023


International Medical Corps (IMC), an international non-governmental organization (located at 12400 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500, Los Angeles, California), with a country office in Khartoum and field offices in south Kordofan, Blue Nile, and West, Central and South Darfur states -Sudan. The health sector in Sudan faces multifaceted challenges. Sudan has been grappling with a deep-rooted humanitarian crisis, further exacerbated by significant security and economic tribulations that have taken a toll on the nation's health and education sectors. Several factors have magnified the health concerns, including inadequate access to clean water, poor sanitation, a faltering economy, and limited infrastructural investments. Particularly concerning is the heightened susceptibility of children below the age of five to diseases that are vaccine-preventable and the disturbing rise in malnutrition rates. The nutritional challenges in Sudan are not just limited to food access but are intertwined with issues like inadequate dietary variety, restricted access to clean water, sanitation, healthcare facilities, and the broad-ranging effects of gender inequality.


In light of these challenges, there is a pressing initiative aimed at achieving Universal Health Coverage in select medical establishments in Nyala, South Darfur. The core of this initiative is to bolster the quality and availability of Reproductive Health/Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (RH/EmONC) and Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) services, and nutrition services. Moreover, recent dialogues with stakeholders from diverse sectors accentuate the significance of this undertaking. With international organizations diminishing their footprint due to escalating security issues in Nyala, the private sector's role has become increasingly dominant. Such a trend is concerning, underscoring the urgent need for interventions that revive and fortify the public health and educational frameworks in the region.


To address these challenges and improve the quality and efficiency of health services, it is crucial to train health workers, vaccinators, community health volunteers, and relevant stakeholders on different essential components. This consultancy aims to strengthen the capacity and skills of these health actors, focusing on various training areas including EmONC, IPC and PFA. International Medical Corps is seeking a qualified training institution or expert trainer in providing training courses in areas of EmONC, IPC, EPI and cold chain management and psychological first aid. The applicants must be Sudanese nationals, officially registered (local) training institutions or individuals Sudanese nationals with expertise in the training subjects with the capacity to deliver multiple training topics. International Medical Corps plans to implement these training topics within the period of one month from the start date of the contractual agreement and is subject to the availability of funds, and the security situation in Sudan.


 Duties and responsibilities:


The purpose of the consultancy is to organize and conduct health -relevant trainings for 30 health care providers deployed in health facilities supported by International Medical Corps in South Darfur.   



The consultant is expected to: 

  • Liaise with the SMOH to obtain the list of participants under each cadre for training 
  • Agree with the SMOH the scope of the training agenda 
  • Coordinate with the listed participants to ensure attendance to the trainings in terms of training dates, venue, transport and accommodation 
  • Organize venue, transport and accommodation for participants and facilitators. In case of reimbursements, the consultant will be responsible for disbursement to the training participants 
  • Provide each successful participants with a training certificate 
  • Submit the following: 
    • Training Proposal 
    • Proposed training package per training topic which will include training plan, training budget, training agenda, CV of facilitators, training references used, pre/post-test 
    • Training Report which will include signed attendance sheets, pre/post -tests with scores, summary of the training activity, recommendations, photo of training as part of the documentation 

The training topics will include

  • Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care for midwives 
  • Psychological First Aid Training for Health Care Providers 
  • Expanded Program for Immunization Guidelines for Vaccinators and Supervisors 


DeliverableDue Date
Training Project Proposal October 4
Training Package October 10
Training Proper October 16 - 27
Training Report November 2




Not applicable 


The consultant will be required to build the capacity of SMOH and IMC staff in South Darfur

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

Consultant Specifications


  • Demonstrates expertise within the training topics mentioned – submission of organizational profile 
  • Registered organization in Sudan 
  • Ability to coordinate, organize and provide trainings in Arabic in accordance to the FMOH/WHO guidelines
  • Familiar with the Sudan health care system 
  • Must submit at least 1 reference from another organization they have previously been engaged with 


Application Requirements:

Interested training institutions or Individual consultant(s)/consultancy firms are expected to submit the following:

A. training proposal (Not more than 4 Pages)

  • Institution or individual Profile.
  • Clear course curriculum, work plan, and timelines describing the proposed methodology/approach to each training subject.
  • Proof of experience in handling similar training courses by providing a list of past and present clients for which the training institution or trainers has already conducted training.
  • Provide at least two examples of workshop materials previously utilized.
  • Indicate qualifications of the lead team and support team, with CVs and functional responsibilities of the key people to be engaged.
  • Contact details of at least three references from recent consultancies.


B.  Budget Proposal with Narrative each training separately.

  • Include a narrative for your budget that describes, in detail, a breakdown of unit costs for each budget line item.
  • Indicate terms and conditions of payment 
  • Please include bank account details


Note: All costs should be presented in US dollars. 




1. IMC may contact Applicants to confirm the contact person, and address, and to confirm that the application was submitted for this advertisement. 

2. False Statements: Applicants must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation and its attachments. 

3. IMC reserves the right in its sole discretion to:

  1. To disqualify any application based on Applicant’s failure to follow solicitation instructions; 
  2. To waive any deviations by Applicants from the requirements of this advertisement that in IMC's opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring rejection or disqualification; 
  3. Extend the time for submission of after notification to all potential Applicants; 
  4. Terminate or modify the TOR process at any time and re-issue the TOR to whomever IMC deems appropriate; 
  5. International Medical Corps reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. 
  6. Issuance of this advertisement does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the International Medical Corps. 
  7. All proposal preparation and submission costs are at the Applicant's expense and will not be reimbursed.


2.0 Application Submission:

Interested applicants should submit their training and budget proposal (A, B), together with other supporting documents to: imcsudan-hr@internationalmedicalcorps.org 

Applications must be received no later than Thursday, October 5th, 2023, at 4:00 pm Sudan Local Time. This deadline will be strictly enforced. If you are sending multiple files, please attach them in rare to one e-mail.


3.0 Confidentiality Statement

All data and information received from IMC for the purpose of this assignment are considered confidential and are to be treated as such. The training institution or consultant shall use such data, information and materials solely for the execution of these Terms of References and the related consultancy activities. The training institution or consultant shall now disclose, share, or distribute any confidential data, information, or materials from IMC to any third party without the prior written consent of IMC.

4.0 Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of References, including any training materials, content and resources developed or utilized during the consultancy, shall be owned by the International Medical Corps (IMC). The chosen training institution or consultant shall grant IMC a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute and publicly display any materials or content created as part of this consultancy. The training institution or consultant acknowledges that any materials, content or resources developed or utilized during the consultancy are considered work for hire, and therefore, IMC shall be the sole and exclusive owner of such materials and content.


5.0 Code of Conduct

All Consultants are required to adhered to and promote International Medical Corps shared responsibility and obligation to report matters involving Sexual Exploitation & Abuse, Trafficking in Persons, Child Safeguarding and any suggested violation to our Code of Conduct which may involve Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, Corruption or Harassment.  If you see, hear or are aware of any suggested activities then you have an obligation to report to International Medical Corps.


6.0 Equal Opportunity 

International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal consultancy opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran.


7.0 Payment 

Payments are delivery-based. Any deliverable not meeting the required specifications will have to be reworked and resubmitted at no additional cost. The proposed payment schedule for this assignment is in USD fixed fees paid (end of assignment).  International Medical Corps shall pay Consultant at deliverable rate. Payments are made upon submission of final reports and related databases on completed tasks, outlined against planned outputs. Based on the report and satisfactory performance, payments will be certified by the supervisor. 



International Medical Corps shall be entitled to all property rights including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks with regard to material, which bears a direct relation to, or is made in consequence of, the services provided to the organization by the consultant. 



Consultants are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering their period of service on behalf of International Medical Corps as they consider appropriate.  Consultants are not eligible to participate in life or health insurance schemes available to International Medical Corps employees



International Medical Corps complies to the country taxation laws and any agreed fees will be subject to Sudan taxation law under this contract. 



Either party may terminate this contract before the expiry date of the contract by giving notice in writing to the other party. 

The period of notice shall be 5 days in case of contract less than 2 months duration and 30 days in the case of contracts for longer periods; provided however that the in the event of termination on the grounds of misconduct or the in the event of termination on the grounds of misconduct or poor performance by the consultant, International Medical Corps shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice.


In the event of the contract being terminated prior to its due expiry date, the consultant shall be compensated pro rata for no more than the actual amount of work performed to the satisfaction of International Medical Corps. 

Interested applicants should submit their training and budget proposal (A, B), together with other supporting documents to: imcsudan-hr@internationalmedicalcorps.org 

Applications must be received no later than Thursday, October 5th, 2023, at 4:00 pm Sudan Local Time. This deadline will be strictly enforced. If you are sending multiple files, please attach them in rare to one e-mail.

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